Pizza Hut: No One Out Pizzas The Hut
Pizza Hut is America’s original pizza restaurant, but in the last 20 years they have lost their competitive edge. They needed something bold and oozing of confidence to take back control of the pizza eating market.
“No One Out-Pizzas The Hut” was exactly what they needed - a tagline with extreme confidence baked into it.

Finally, Pizza Hut was going back to it’s roots of being the bombastic pizza spot we all loved as kids - and the tagline and eventual design language reflected that.

Pizza Hut originally wanted a spokesperson but in the end couldn’t decide on just one. Enter “The Pizza Hut Bragsperson” – rotating spokesperson who could relate to the great deals and innovations in their own way.

Worked With:
Directors - Adam & Dave
Group Creative Director - Scott Bell
Writer - Craig Gerringer
Producers - Rebecca Wilmer & Jamil McGinnis
Written up in:
Creativity, AdAge, The Drum,
and was AdWeek: Ad of the Day