
Jimmy John's In The Metaverse

We created the first sandwiched made in the Metaverse and enjoyed in the physicalverse. Finally bridging the digital and physical divide with sandwiches.

Fans searched the digital store for ingredients to build their personal sandwiches that were then voted on by the sandwich community. Also, in a Metaverse first the sandwiches were placed on menus nationwide for everyone to enjoy.

We were featured at the #1 spot for Metaverse Ideas at the height of the Metaverse craze and picked up an AdAge Editor’s Pick .

So come join us and Make the the sandwich of the future, today!

We did more than make fake internet Jimmy John’s during my time leading the brand. We also create a very niche piece of sports memorabilia to coincide with a blue cheese based sandwich. Also weird!

For a Valentine’s Day “Buy One Get One Half Off” activation we invited people to share a sandwich with someone… at a fancy french themed Jimmy John’s in Austin, TX, naturally.